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Spiritual Gifts Test

1 Corinthians 12:1 (TLB): 1 And now, brothers, I want to write about the special abilities the Holy Spirit gives to each of you, for I don’t want any misunderstanding about them.


The following test is designed to help you determine your spiritual gift.  It is not meant for you to determine your gift and put it on a shelf.  However, the goal of this test is for you to determine your spiritual gift, and then seek to develop your gift and then deploy your gift in active service.

This test should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. If you provide your email address below, a copy of your results will be emailed to you.


To take the test, just honestly answer the questions.  Not being honest will only skew your test results and give you an inaccurate analysis of your spiritual gifts.  Also, please understand that you should not answer every question with a high score.  Be careful not to over-analyze these questions.  Go with your initial response . . . it is usually pretty accurate.  To score the test all you have to do is read the questions and fill in the circle that best describes you response to the statement being made or to the question being asked.  You will notice when finished, that you will need to transfer a number value for each response to a tally sheet.  The numeric value of each column is clearly marked at the top and bottom of each page of the test.  Be sure to answer all 115 questions.


Remember, this test is not designed for you to determine your spiritual gift then set it on a shelf.  We have to fan it into a flame.  God gave us our gifts at salvation so we could glorify Him and build up the church. Determining your gift is only the first part of the process.  We must develop them so we can use them.  Please don’t stop here, keep moving and develop your gift. In addition, the ultimate goal of this test is not just to determine your spiritual gift, but also to help you grow as a Christian.  Part of that growth is determining your gifts.  Be sure after you take this test to meet with your pastor, teacher, leader or another Christian who is helping you mature in your relationship with Christ.  They may be able to help you understand your gifting a little better and help you find a place to serve.


Part of the growth process goes beyond just determining your gifts to actually using your gifts.  It is important to exercise your gift by getting involved in a ministry that you can use your gift in to glorify God and build the Body.  Be sure you understand that your spiritual gifts will change and some gifts will take a more dominant role at times in your life, depending on the assignments God has for you at a particular time.  You will also notice at the end that you probably have more than one gift.  Remember that God has shaped us to be the hope that someone needs!

Well, have fun taking the test that can’t be failed!

Pastor Rob's signature

Pastor Rob